This time, our passion for glass and wine has taken us on a journey with Meritxell Falgueras, a journalist and Sommelier, to the factory itself, where we had a first-hand look at the fascinating process involved in creating a bottle.



The value of a glass bottle.

Glass is one of the most easily reused materials, and so is also one of the most sustainable. Glass is used for its beauty and strength, despite its apparent fragility.

Its durability, flexibility, beauty and transparency all make glass a material with countless uses in which we can explore and test its limits. These strengths are what drive ESTAL during the creative process of designing our glass bottles and packaging.

Environmental conservation is something that concerns us at ESTAL, and that is why we are increasingly committed to materials that can be fully recycled after use. It makes us proud that, after their initial life, our glass bottles are reborn and continue to provide beauty in other products.


Don't miss the video of the entire manufacturing process with Meritxell Falgueras!

.. How can something so sophisticated be made in a matter of seconds? These furnaces work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There’s something hypnotic about seeing those glass gobs, which are cut according to the weight the bottle will have, as they reach over 1,000 degrees in such a short time.” – Meritxell Falgueras.