Sommelier® has achieved what we set out to do, to be a versatile bottle collection. Bottles that function anywhere, and where every brand can reflect its identity and communication. Bottles that can be transformed to present themselves to the world in a manner that might be classical, romantic, organic, rock and roll, or even futuristic.
In this campaign we are giving an insight to the possibilities that Sommelier® offers. We have reinforced the idea with this innovation and have created a new bottle mouth capable of establishing a continuous shape to the neck, elegant lines that are much more than an improved bottle, being a combination of functionality and beauty.
When we think of the future, we do it by weighing up the unknown and imagining what our customers’ concerns will be. Our customers walk through their vineyards, they discuss things in meetings and work to ensure that their product remains alive generations after the first vine bears fruit.
With Sommelier®, we don’t idealise a single customer or style, we remove any specific vineyard profile from the process, making the design the captain and innovation the crew in order to make the journey worthwhile. We carry out an exercise in speculative design, apply self-criticism and force ourselves to unlearn in order to be able to look at a wine bottle again like a child faced with something new.
We analyse how the present functions in order to find solutions and answers that allow us to create a collection of bottles that are, in their beauty, an exercise in functionality: industrial engineering that allows us to create a bottle whose straight lines from the mouth to the neck are pure beauty, the perfect excuse, encountered in art, to create an innovation that improves the customer experience and without making any changes to the vineyard’s production line.
More innovation in exchange for everything staying the same in our customer's business.
We do therefore understand the beauty and art of creating bottles as something pure, our way of contributing so that the wine, that precious liquid inside, can tell its own story and the story of that family, or families, united to offer the best thing they have, generation after generation: their fruit.
In considering how we wanted glass to look in the future, we needed to understand the role that a wine bottle plays in people’s daily life, and the impact of product development on the functioning of a winery, the company and, finally, on the perception of the person who ends up making the toast.
Sommelier® is the possibility of possibilities, it means embracing the world of wine and shouting out: we are here and you can make this bottle your most powerful brand weapon!
Welcome to the new wine era.